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Triadic color generator

The primary colors are Red, Green Blue. They are an example of a triadic color scheme. Put a triangle on color wheel and find all three triadic colors. Triadic color schemes are vibrant with high color contrast with color harmony.

  • #ffafc2
  • #c2ffaf
  • #afc2ff
HEX Color Name RGB HSL CMYK Binary Octal Decimal
#ffafc2 #ffafc2 rgb(255,175,194) hsl(346,100% ,84%) cmyk(0%,31%,24%,0%) 111111111010111111000010 77727702 16756674
#c2ffaf #c2ffaf rgb(194,255,175) hsl(106,100% ,84%) cmyk(24%,0%,31%,0%) 110000101111111110101111 60577657 12779439
#afc2ff #afc2ff rgb(175,194,255) hsl(226,100% ,84%) cmyk(31%,24%,0%,0%) 101011111100001011111111 53741377 11518719