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Generate Analogous color

Generate Analogous Color

Analogous colors are a slight variation in one color or related colors or neighboring colors on either side of color wheel. Example like Red, Orange and Yellow with red as central color. An analogous color scheme creates a rich, monochromatic look. Analogous scheme lacks contrast and is not as vibrant as complementary schemes.

  • #ed283c
  • #ed3c28
  • #ed6328
  • #ed8a28
  • #edb228
#ed283c#ed283crgb(237,40,60)hsl(354,85% ,54%)cmyk(0%,83%,75%,7.06%)
#ed3c28#ed3c28rgb(237,60,40)hsl(6,85% ,54%)cmyk(0%,75%,83%,7.06%)
#ed6328#ed6328rgb(237,99,40)hsl(18,85% ,54%)cmyk(0%,58%,83%,7.06%)
#ed8a28#ed8a28rgb(237,138,40)hsl(30,85% ,54%)cmyk(0%,42%,83%,7.06%)
#edb228#edb228rgb(237,178,40)hsl(42,85% ,54%)cmyk(0%,25%,83%,7.06%)